Free Inspector Gloria Now!

To celebrate the publication of the third Inspector Gloria crime novel Thirsty is giving away free eBooks from the 26th to the 30th of November - so it's a very good time to make her acquaintance.

We first met Gloria Sirleaf two months after the end of the Liberian civil war in the suffocating February heat of the capital Monrovia. She had the unenviable task of setting up and heading the new Family and Child Protection unit at Police HQ. Inspector Gloria is the creation of Motherwell author Joseph Glackin who worked in child protection in Liberia during those turbulent years and through her he shares his experience of this war-torn country with insight and compassion.

In the latest book A Patchwork of Darkness Gloria is still working in the sweltering heat and daily downpours of the rainy season as she and her team struggle to bring a child murderer to justice...

Yes, time to get to know and love Inspector Gloria - for free!

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